On the morning of December 11th, I woke to find snow. Now most people wouldn't blink twice at seeing snow falling, but here in the deep south, its a miracle, especially in early December. Here are some pictures of our little town and school. I'm not sure who had more fun, the teachers or kids. Most of our kiddos had never seen snow before. The last time it snowed enough to stick to the ground was in 1988.
A corner of my rose garden around 6 am.
A view of my neighbor's house. See the snowflakes??
Same view a bit later, the snow is getting more dense on the ground. At this point it was hardly snowing anymore, but little did I know more was on the way.
Our house. No snow under the canopy of the oak tree.
My version of a snowman. I made that before I left for work, drove 8 miles to work and it stayed in place. In fact it stayed until the sun came out around 10:30.
On the drive to work.
Of course true to form, it snowed in the morning and by that afternoon the sun was shining, the snow was gone and the temps were on the rise. By the following afternoon it was pushing 70 degrees.