Master Gardener Meeting
I attended a Board Meeting for Master Gardener's this morning. It was good to see my gardening friends and to share gardening stories for the morning. I left armed with 10 completed applications for the 2006 class. I am now responsible for interviewing these individuals to see if they are still interested in going through the class. We have 65 applicants and 30 slots to fill. I'm just glad that the final cuts are chosen by a lottery drawing.
After that I came home and started cooking meatballs for supper. I'm making either meatball stew or Spaghetti. Other than that I am just picking up the house and listening to music on the radio. I am hoping to get outside after it cools down a bit (its 98 with a heat index of 107) and water the porch and patio plants. I also would like to sneak off into the gre

enhouse and play
Here are some Garden Shots
Mr. Lincoln - very fragrant - one of my favs
I am very pleased with the way my newest rose garden turned out. It's a bit more formal than my other ones but I am enjoying having morning coffee out there. My wonderful husband made this for me for my birthday this year. These are the best roses a woman can get, I cut a fresh bouquet just about everyday.

Yesterday I posted a picture of my greenhouse friends and didn't think to explain it. In early june I was working in the greenhouse and reached up into a small cubby where I keep my screening material and something flew out at my face. I screamed and hit the deck. My little Lucy was barking and I was having a cardiac. Once the dust settled I found that I had a bird's nest in my cubby with five little eggs inside. Since that day I watched on a daily basis the prgress of the Momma and Papa birds as they took care of their babies. I took pictures daily once the eggs hatched and was very sorry to see them go. They took flight on July 2nd.
Just a few days old
About a week old

This Rose is Gene Boerner. When I took this picture the bush had 65 buds and blooms on it. It is a good show stopper.
Well, my family is coming in from work, more later.
Meatball stew??? Sounds good, whatever it is! :)
I love the roses...I tend to have a brown thumb when it comes to roses...well, it might be the erratic winters, they tend to freeze back and never get huge and nice.
Gorgeous! that rose garden is fabo!
Love the baby bird pics, : )
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