Wow, I went to view my son's senior pictures this week. When did my baby grow up? I'm sitting here almost in tears, I can't believe it. M is my baby. When he is gone, my role as "mother in residence" will be over. I know I will still be a mother, but it won't be the same. I just hope I have prepared him for life. I know none of us are perfect, but I truly did my best. He will graduate in about six weeks.
The photo below (my favorite) was taken towards the end of his session, a session he did not want to participate in. The photographer was great. He allowed M to take his hobbies into the studio with him. My son collects swords and other medieval battle pieces. You can see from the last picture that M got into the session once it started.

So now its time to move into the next phase of my life. For the first time ever, my husband and I will be living alone. R and I have only been married for 9 years. M was six when we met and 8 when we married. I'm looking forward to the changes with excitement and sadness. Where did my Baby go, has anybody seen my baby???? When did this young man emerge? My oldest son is 21, it was not has hard when he graduated. I took his moving out hard, harder than I thought I would.
Well enough rambling for one Saturday Morning. Have a great weekend everyone.
Oh, your sons pics are so beautiful...very artistic, and amazing...I can see why you are sad. My last child, my daugher, also graduates in about 6 weeks. She will live at home and go to community college. She hasn't wanted to learn to drive yet, and probably just needs a few more years to mature to the point of leaving home. I am happy, because without her I am lost in this hi-tech she keeps me up to date on the cultural lingo of the day!!! I am still a big Mom dork...but maybe not as big as I would be without her! LOL. Maybe you can fill your extra time on the blog...and we can see more of youor beautiful hibiscus!!! LOL
Hi Donna...Just wanted to tell you that I posted pics of a hibiscus on my blog today, just for you! It is a rare-bloomer that belongs to my neighbor, and thought you might like to see it!
Take care...Julie
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