Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Its Mardi Gras Time

Happy Mardi Gras to everyone. My ball is over, our parade has rolled and I'm taking Mardi Gras day off to relax. Our ball was quite a success. I really enjoyed our theme this year, Disco Divas. I was one of the Divas (the one in black) and really had a good time. One of the highlights of the ball is decorating your table. As promised, I am posting pictures of some of my favorite tablescapes, including mine.
Me and my hubby all dressed up. We clean up pretty good!! This is what I wore when I came out as President of the Krewe. Yup, I got to buy two formals this year.
This was my table. I love the look of the chair covers, to me it just completes the table. Of course, I'm the only one that feels that way, none of the other ladies use them. The court was spotlighted behind the scrim before actually entering the ballroom. That is me and my hubby striking our disco pose. If you look really hard, you can see us in the shadow.
The following photos are just some of the other tablescpes. From simple to fantastic.

One of the other maids had this in the center of her table. The picture of the decorated table is shown above, can you find it???

1 comment:

Becky said...

I found it!
Your table looks awesome Donna, and you and hubby look hawt!
Looks like sooooo much fun, congrats!