Monday, December 01, 2008

Got My First Phone Call

Matt was allowed a phone call Thanksgiving Day. It was sooooo good to hear his voice. He sounded okay. By okay I mean not depressed or down OR not really floating on Cloud 9 either. Just kinka oaky. He told us that the food was not bad but not Mom's and he told us that they were going to the Gas Chamber today. I have heard some pretty rough stories about the gas Chamber. For anyone not knowing about this. Its when you are placed in a room and the Drill Instructors release Tear Gas. The recruits are instructed to remove the masks for 1 minute. My Daughter-in-law experienced this when she was a recruit. She said this gas irritates the mucous membranes, therefore your eyes cry, your nose runs and your throat feels like its on fire. Her words were when you come out, you are "Not a pretty sight". Matt did say he was excited about this and that afterwards they would be going to the rappelling tower. I'm not sure what that is but I know he was excited.
My yard looks horrible. I have not had the time really work in it since I went back to school. It seems like every weekend is taken up doing something else. So here is a shot of the greenhouse in winter. My poor angel's trumpet is hanging on.
Below is a shot of some plants in the greenhouse and how they are faring on this last weekend in November.
My watering system in the temporary hibiscus house plus a couple of blooms..
Think this is Red Snapper. Couldn't see the tag Mrs. Jimmy Spangler

Poor baby girl. She got an infection in her leg and we had to wrap it up to keep the swelling down and so she wouldn't keep licking the sores. So looks so pitiful.

Tomorrow I will try to post the pictures of my Christmas Village for 2008. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hi Donna! Nice to see you! Glad your son is doing OK!!! I do have to say it was a huge relief when my son graduated from boot camp! The graduation ceremony was very touching, BTW! They all sang the Army fight song! That choked me up! Your plants and flowers look GREAT! Your greenhouse is adorable! I had seen it before in pictures, but forgot how cute it is! Looking froward to seeing your Christmas Village for sure!!!