Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Preparations

Here we go again!! On the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we are again preparing for a major storm to hit our coast. It looks like New Orleans will be spared this time around but in south central Louisiana where I live, we are expecting a direct hit. My home is almost secured. We have to board the windows and secure outdoor items today and finish packing my pictures. Yesterday we spend the day helping my elderly mother get her home ready. My uncle, who lives closer to the coast, is going to stay with her. My family has bags packed and is sitting on edge just watching to see how strong this storm gets before we decide to leave. If we do, we will go stay with my Dad in Shreveport. I have a brother in Central Louisiana who will meet us to take my Mother to his house and we will continue on to Shreveport. But I will only leave it this storm looks like its going come into Vermilion Bay at a Cat 4.

My plants are secured. Placed between the fence and the greenhouse. Smaller plant will be placed in the greenhouse today. I will try to take pictures of the choas and post later this afternoon, if it looks like we are staying. Kiss and Tell

Contraflow of all traffic in South Louisiana started at 4:oo a.m. You can only travel East and North throughout South Louisiana at this point in time.


More later!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Sounds like you are ready...I will have you in my prayers starting this second. It is so much work getting ready for and then after a hurricane, I feel it in my bones just hearing you tell about it. Be careful after the storm too. OK?????